1. Bibliographic references
All articles and authors must be referenced to in the bibliography. References will be listed in alphabetical order of the first author followed by chronological order.
If there are several references with the same first author and same year of publication, these will be listed by adding a lowercase letter after each year in alphabetical order (1980a, 1980b…).
DOI (Digital Object Identifier System) should be added if available.
1.1. Books
This is the structure for the information: Surname, Name of author(s). Book title (in italics). Place of Publication: Publisher, Year.
Schopenhauer, Arthur. El mundo como voluntad y representación. Madrid: Trotta, 2009.
1.2. Books with translation
This is the structure for the information: Surname, Name of author(s). Book title (in italics). Trad. Name and surname of the author. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year.
Mainländer, Philipp. Filosofía de la redención. Trad. Manuel Pérez Cornejo. Madrid: Xorki,2014.
1.3. Editor or coordinator
This is the structure for the information: Surname, Name of author(s). Book title (in italics). ed. or coord (according to the case). Place of Publication: Publisher, Year.
Cetina, Gutierre de. Rimas. ed. Jesús Ponce Cárdenas. Madrid: Cátedra, 2016.
1.4. Books with 2 authors
This is the structure for the information: Surname of the first author, Name of the first author and Name and surname of the second author. Book title (in italics). Place of Publication: Publisher, Year.
Deleuze, G. y Félix Guattari. ¿Qué es filosofía? Barcelona: Anagrama, 1993.
1.5. Books with 3 authors
This is the structure for the information: Surname of the first author, Name of the first author, Name and surname of the second author and Name and surname of the third author. Book title (in italics). Place of Publication: Publisher, Year.
Borges, Jorge Luis, Silvina Ocampo y Adolfo Bioy Casares. Antología de la literatura fantástica. Barcelona: Edhasa-Sudamericana, 1977.
1.6. Books with more than 3 authors
This is the structure for the information: Surname, Name of author and others. Book title (in italics). Place of Publication: Publisher, Year.
Gener Basallote, José Mª y otros. Loja durante el dominio romano: Metodología, técnicas e interpretación del yacimiento de Plines. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 1992.
1.7. Magazines and journals
This is the structure for the information: Surname, Name of author(s). “Title of the article” (between quotation marks). Name of the journal or magazine (in italics) number of the journal (Year): Pages.
Parmeggiani, Marco. “¿Para qué filología? Significación filosófica de la edición Colli-Montinari de la obra de Nietzsche”, Estudios Nietzsche 1 (2001): 91-101.
1.8. Book chapter
This is the structure for the information: Surname, Name of author(s). “Name of the chapter” (between quotation marks). Book title (in italics). Place of Publication: Publisher, Year. Pages.
Goic, Cedomil. “La novela hispanoamericana colonial”. Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana. Tomo I. Época Colonial, ed. Luis Iñigo-Madrigal. Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra, 1982. 369-406.
1.9. Unpublished Thesis and Dissertations
This is the structure for the information: Surname, Name of author(s). “Name of the Thesis” (between quotation marks). Thesis. Name of the University, Year.
del Estal Sánchez, Héctor. “Schopenhauer y la disputa del pesimismo”. Tesis. Universidad de Salamanca, 2017.
1.10. Newspapers
This is the structure for the information: Surname, Name of author(s). “Name of the article” (between quotation marks). Name of the newspaper (in italics). Day and month (abbreviated) Year: Pages.
Lomelí, Julieta. “La inspiración suicida de Philipp Mainländer”. La Jornada. 23 abr. 2011: 9.
1.11. Online articles
This is the structure for the information: Surname, Name of author(s). “Title of the article”. Web page name (in italics). Institution (if available). Day, month, and year of publication. (Web). Consulted at: date of consultation. <web site>.
Rodríguez, Pilar. “El enigma de Helene von Druskowitz”. Filosofía&Co. Herder Editorial. 6 mzo. 2020.
2. References in the text
References to the published text will be cited with the surname of the author or authors, and year of publication in parentheses according to the MLA system.
If your quotation extends to more than four lines, it is a long quotation. The long quotation is indented half an inch from the rest of the text, so it looks like a block of text.
Omitted parts from the quote must use ellipses inside brackets [...].
When you quote directly from a source, enclose the quoted section in quotation marks. Add an in-text citation at the end of the quote with the author’s name and page number.
Use single quotation marks inside double quotation marks when you have a quotation within a quotation.
2.1. Books
(Rorty 38) or (Heidegger 25, 42)
2.2. Multiple works by the same author
(Schopenhauer 2009 33)
(Schopenhauer 2018 135)
2.3. Works from the same author but different publication years
[In bibliography]:
Davidson, D. (1997a) “Indeterminism and A ntirealism”. In: Subjective, Intersubjective,Objective. Oxford: Claredon Press, 2001. 69-84.
Davidson, D. (1997b) “The Emergence of Thought”. In: Subjective, Intersubjective, Objective. Oxford: Claredon Press, 2001. 123-134.
[In text]:
(Davidson 1997a 85) or (Davidson 1997b 42).
2.4. The abbreviation cf. may be used in parenthetical citations
(cf. Rodríguez 54)
2.5. When there is no reference to any specific page
(Lévinas 1980)
2.6. When you write information or ideas from a source in your own words, cite the source by adding the name of the author and the year
Para Sandra Baquedano (2011) Mainländer fue un filósofo con una propuesta original.
When the name of the author is clear, the page number can be included and, if necessary, the edition year and if there are any more works of the same author.
2.7. Writers own highlighting
(Rama 1990 31, énfasis mío)
2.8. Reference to refer to the source cited in the preceding note or list item: (Ibid.)
2.9. Use id. when the author and work are the same as cited immediately before, but the page number is different: (Id. 48).
2.10. Website citation
Includes the author’s name and the paragraph number by adding beforehand “parr”.
(Zepetnek, parr. 1)
3. Classic books citation
ARISTÓTELES, Met., 1018 b 5.
KANT, KrV, A 90 / B 122.