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Vol. 1 (2022): Pessimism and Philosophy 

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We ask ourselves in this first issue of the Pessimism Notebooks about the meaning of pessimism in relation to philosophy and if it is possible to speak properly of a pessimistic philosophy or at least of philosophical pessimism.



Posted : 04/01/22

FULL NUMBER                                                                                  1-250



editorial note                                                                                           2-4

Arthur Schopenhauer: between pessimism and philosophy

Jesus Carlos Hernandez Moreno                                                                          8-17



The worst of all possible worlds: nature as an argument for Schopenhauer's metaphysical pessimism 

Zaida Olvera                                                                                          8-17



Of the idiosyncrasies of pessimism as cardinal virtues of all philosophizing

HW Gamez                                                                                         33-45

Pessimism and individuality . Brief exploration of the foundations of pessimism in modern thought

Carlos David Garcia Mancilla                                                                           33-45

FIXED BAD. His pessimism and dialectics in three moments

Piercarlo Necchi                                                                                       33-45

On the need for a different philosophical orientation around the optimism-pessimism controversy

Adam Nunez Luna                                                                                     33-45

The Gnostic recurrence of pessimism as a result of the failure of the modern neutralization of evil

Hector del Estal Sanchez                                                                                33-45

Christ's suicide

Cristian Andres Hernandez Pelaez                                                                        33-45

Justin's Prayer or Denial of the Will to Live

Jesus Arellano Esquivel                                                                                 33-45

Walter Benjamin, progress, revolution, memory how to organize pessimism

Gabriella White                                                                                       33-45

Cioran eo Ceticismo

Rui Benevides Prates                                                                                  33-45

That science they say, they say will save us

Juan Carlos Moreno Romo                                                                              33-45

Optimism and pessimism. Leibniz and Schopenhauer

Julius Frauenstädt - Jesús Carlos Hernández Moreno (trans.)                                                  33-45

Pessimism and the social question in Philipp Mainländer

Flamarion Caldeira Ramos - Carlos Dario Romero (trans.)                                                     33-45

Fragments belonging to Carlo Michelstaedter's Scritti Vari

Gabriel Adelio Saia (trans.)                                                                              33-45

Pragmatic pessimism. Or on the “Dark gray” of the World

Vila Debona (AA and trans.)                                                                              33-45

Schopenhauer, Arthur. On vision and colors. A treatise . Introduction, translation and notes by Jesús Carlos Hernández Moreno. Madrid: Casimiro, 2021, pp. 183

Paolo Gajardo Jana                                                                                    33-45

Gwinner, Wilhelm. Schopenhauer and his friends . Introduction, translation and notes by Jesús Carlos Hernández Moreno. Madrid: Sequitur Editions, 2021, pp. 144

Carlos Dario Romero                                                                                  33-45

Lanterna, Marco. Peisithanates. Trattato della buona estinzione . Italy: Liberilibri, Macerata, 2021, p. 152

Annalisa Presice                                                                                     33-45

Von Hartman, Edward. Philosophy of the Unconscious. Translation, introduction and notes by Manuel Pérez Cornejo, prologue by Carlos Javier González Serrano. Madrid: Publishing Alliance, 2022, pp. 728. 224

Carlos Javier Gonzalez Serrano                                                                          33-45



N°. 2 (2023): The Polemic of Pessimism in the Nineteenth Century 

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In this second issue of Notebooks about Pessimism, we intend to delve into this multifaceted controversy, attending, as a guide, to its two major phases or stages: the first, which would cover approximately from 1850 to 1869, in which the main representative of pessimism would be Arthur Schopenhauer; and the second, in which Eduard von Hartmann and his Philosophy of the Unconscious (1869) occupied the center of the discussions from 1870 until the outbreak of the Great War.

Posted : 04/04/23

Editorial Note                                                                                                                                                                              10-11

"A more Purified Buddhism". Arthur Schopenhauer and Politics

Jesús Carlos Hernández Moreno                                                                                                                                                       14-50



Nationalism in Philipp Mainländer. A Historical Aproach

W. H. Gámez                                                                                                                                                                                        52-71

Nation, State and Social Utopia—L'alliance des Trois. Mainländer's Exotericism as a Teleological Concept to the Nihil Negativum (with a Sidekick on J. G. Fichte)

Winfried H. Müller-Seyfarth                                                                                                                                                            72-80

Schopenhauer as a Reader of Hobbes: War of Everything vs. War of All Against All

Felipe Durante                                                                                                                                                                                  82-89

Vanity and Providence in Matias Aires (1705-1763): an Early Modern Brazilian Philosopher Between Stoicism, Catholicism, and Calvinism

Arthur Grupillo                                                                                                                                                                                      92-106

Schopenhauer and Judaism as a Religion of Error

Abel Fernández Rivera                                                                                                                                                                        108-117

Philosophical Foundations of Pessimism: Suffering, Evil, Boredom and Suicide

Paolo Gajardo Jaña                                                                                                                                                                                 118-137

Cancerous Metaphysics and Other Laws of Abiotic Philosophy

Marco Lanterna (trads. Gabriel S. Saia y Francisco Cansanello)                                                                                               140-150

Two Disciples of Schopenhauer

Hans Herrig (trad. Jesús Carlos Hernández Moreno)                                                                                                                   152-157

Iconoclasm in German Philosophy

John Oxenford (trad. Jesús Carlos Hernández Moreno)                                                                                                              158-173

Julius Bahnsen: Philosopher of Heroic Despair, 1830-1881

Henry Slochower (trads. Fernando Burgos y Fernando Garzón)                                                                                                 174-186

Moral and Religious Pessimism in Homer and Hesiod

J.-A. Hild - Adán Núñez Luna (trad.)                                                                                                                                          188-201

von Hartmann, Eduard. Pesimismo, ética y felicidad. Introducción y traducción de José Carlos Ibarra Cuchillo, prólogo de Fernando Burgos, Madrid, Sequitur, 2023, pp. 127

Francisco Fernando Díaz del Carmen                                                                                                                                                204-205

Bahnsen, Julius. Breviario pesimista. Introducción y traducción de Manuel Pérez Cornejo, prólogo de Fernando Burgos, Madrid, Sequitur, 2023, pp. 143

Fernando Garzón                                                                                                                                                                            206-207

Mainländer, Philipp. Fragmentos pesimistas. Introducción y traducción de Sandra Baquedano Jer, prólogo de Fernando Burgos, Madrid, Sequitur, 2023, pp. 127

James Dinarte Arias                                                                                                                                                                        208-209

Plümacher, Olga. El pesimismo em el budismo y otras religiones. Introducción y traducción de H. W. Gámez, prólogo de Fernando Burgos, Madrid, Sequitur, 2023, pp. 121

Alan Eduardo Velázquez Aguilar                                                                                                                                                 210-211

Aires, Matias. Reflexiones sobre la vanidad de los hombres. Selección, introducción y traducción de Arthur Grupillo y Matheus Silva Freitas, prólogo de Fernando Burgos, Madrid, Sequitur, 2024, pp. 98

Rubén Nessim Roffe                                                                                                                                                                        212-214

de Abdera, Ronconi. Philipp Mainländer: Sobre a vida e obra de um dos maiores pessimistas da história da Filosofía. Brasil, Amazon-Kindle, 2023

Fabio Rodrigues de Ávila                                                                                                                                                               209-211

Cacciari, Massimo. Metafisica concreta. Milano, Adelphi, 2023, pp. 423

Piercarlo Necchi                                                                                                                                                                              218-224

Mainländeriana I. Coords. Fernando Burgos, Luis A. Gerena Carrillo and Sergio Lomelí, Cuernavaca, UAEMor, 2004, pp. 269

James Dinarte Arias                                                                                                                                                                       226-227

Palante, Georges. Pesimismo e individualismo. Trads. Slaymen Bonilla y Libertad Estrada, México, Biblioteca pesimista, 2023

Rubén Nessim Roffe Tamez                                                                                                                                                           228-230

Cioran, Emil. Cuadernos 1957-1972. Trad. Mayka Lahoz, Barcelona, Tusquets, 2023, pp. 1056

Paolo Gajardo Jaña                                                                                                                                                                        232-233

Dorguth, Friedrich. Textos schopenhauerianos. Edición, traducción y estudio preliminar de Jesús Carlos Hernández Moreno, Madrid, Sequitur, 2024, pp. 193

José Rubén Goméz Escamilla                                                                                                                                                        234-236

FULL ISSUE                                                                                                                                                                                           1-238



NOTEBOOKS OF PESIMISM, number 2, year 2023, is an annual publication edited by Oscar Fernando Burgos Cruz, walker, Río Cutzamala, mz., 2 lt., 9, col. José María Izazaga, Chilpancingo de los Bravo, Guerrero, Responsible editor: Oscar Fernando Burgos Cruz. Reservation of Right to Exclusive Use No. 04-2023-051110235900-102. ISSN: in process. Reservation of Rights and ISSN granted by the National Institute of Copyright, responsible for the last update of this issue, director of Reservations of Rights, Alberto Arenas Badillo, calle Puebla 143, Col. Roma, Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc Mexico City, CP 06700 . Last modification date, May 2023.

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